3D Wheel Alignment Services repair workshop in Tallinn

How is the cost of wheel alignment services determined?

To determine the final cost of the wheel alignment service, it is recommended to consider the following factors:

  • type of work performed. Wheel alignment for the front or rear wheels or both axles of the car.
  • the volume and degree of complexity of the work depending on the design features of the car.
  • the need for preliminary diagnosis of the vehicle chassis. This service is necessary because there is no point in adjusting the wheel alignment without fixing the suspension problem.
  • the need to replace certain suspension elements. Silent blocks, levers, shock absorbers, struts and ball joints wear out most often. It is necessary to replace them before balancing. availability of campaigns offered to loyal customers during service provision.

Recommendation for customers

Do not ignore the above recommendations for diagnosing and replacing faulty car parts, as this can lead to the following consequences:

  • additional suspension errors;
  • emergence;
  • failure of steering parts;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • rapid tire wear;
  • risk of accident.

Schedule an appointment today

Call us: +37255527985

Your Automotive Repair and Maintenance Specialist

Address: Priisle tee 18, 13816 Tallinn

Working Hours:
Mon – Fri: 09:00–18:00

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